The biggest conspiracy theorist out there, Alex Jones of Infowars, issued an emergency alert today claiming that he has had 2 calls by “extremely prominent, wealthy people” asking him why he isn’t leaving the United States before October.
Jones claims that these 2 individuals also state that high-ranking military officials and other insiders have already fled the country.
Take a look at the video on the following page and decide for yourself.
Oh now it’s October? I thought it was September last time
Um ok. Great
Muslim brotherhood is who the average person is being told to fear, and yes they suck and are a perfect patsy, but they arent the REAL bad guys, quite the oposite in fact
The Greeks didnt pay their taxes and retired at 50 what other coutry in the world could do that ? He doesnt mention the market crash in China,why ? because their economy overheated simple. Many rich people leave their own countrys because they dont like paying their fair share of taxes. Wave good riddance to those folk and hope that itspermanant. So to Russia its not in any position to wage war on anyone but its own. Stay put pay your taxes and look after your nieghbour show comp$#%&!@*ion. This guy’s a fraud and maybe a God botherer.
What is a shill?
Some who has been put there by the government to misinmform us
I hope they take Obama with them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Started last year We are going to get holding the bag taking their money over seas
You have to much time on your hands.
I truly think you are right