Donald Trump has been moving so quickly on his agenda and in fulfilling campaign promises that it’s clear that he has had much of this all planned out for some time. So well organized are his plans and so well coordinated their execution that it is almost absurd to think anything else. It is almost as though he has been planning for this moment for quite a while.
Official Washington is not used to the sort of presidency that Donald Trump has delivered. The political class is used to politicians making claims during their campaigns to get elected, and then governing in a way that is very different, at least on some issues. President Trump does not fit that mold. He made number bold and sometime audacious statements, and now it turns out that he meant what he said. The establishment is in shock.
But just how long has Mr. Trump been considering his political positions and how he would implement his policies to “Make American Great Again?” More on page two.
Trump has our back as American working taxpayers. We have his back on this one. Personally…I have been waiting for this.
The attempt to create a “New World Order” is Satan’s way of trying to prevent the true World Order that will be put in place upon the return on Jesus Christ who will rule with complete honesty and truth!
Absolutely! And when it comes down the hill watch out because then the can and he will! Go Trump go!
Amen James Gowdy
President Trump is the best. No nwo
Good luck Pres Trump
Go Trump go!!!!
Someone must prevent the NWO from enslaving all of mankind.
And none of you think the NWO architects never saw this coming? Hell, he’s probably a plant, created by them for him to take some action that makes all you believe that he really did something to stop them so that they can continue on with their way but now more out of sight. Fucking ignorant$#%&!@*sheep, Trump is a pawn, another face to implement implement what’s already been decided for us. Nothing he wants to do gets done without approval. Do you really believe the wealthiest and most intelligent people and companies in our world would allow this idiot to become our president if there wasn’t something 8n it for them? For fucks sake people, wake up.
Thank God.