Jones: Donald Trump Has Been Planning to Take Down the New World Order Most of His Life

Nobody moves as quickly as Donald Trump has if he were just making things up as he goes along. The same level of strategic thinking has been at work for some time in developing his positions and plans for a presidency as he has used so successfully in business. That’s the most reasonable explanation for the rapid-fire implementation of his campaign promises with well thought out strategies.

This doesn’t mean that President Trump will intransigently press forward regardless of any new developments or any new insights he gains. What it means is that the goals are well established as are the plans to achieve them. If there needs to be some modifications and new information is brought to light, so be it. But the basic principals and strategies we heard about in the campaign and are witnessing in his presidency are the result of years of thought and work.

Put bluntly, what has come to be called the New World Order is in his cross-hairs. Others might call it globalism, a One World Government, or the destruction of the nation-state. It is funded by globalist miscreants like George Soros and uses institutions like the United Nations and the European Union as vehicles to press forward its crusade against liberty and sovereign nations. Those efforts and institutions have now run into a brick wall called the Trump Administration.

If this thinking regarding President Trump is accurate, freedom-loving peoples everywhere have much about which to be optimistic.

Source: Inforwars



  1. John H Poppenhusen

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