The “new” friendly faced, wacky laugh, ultra coached Hillary, is all over the place. Dancing on Ellen, doing a dance called the “nae nae,” to stating in another interview, “I am a real person” (that was a coached statement), Hillary’s brain trust is desperately pushing for a “user friendly” candidate. It does not work-as the liberals say “stand in your truth”. Hillary’s truth? More appropriate is covering up any truth. Now, Hillary is “joking” about having a personal server if she becomes President.
see video next page
Cat Lady right after scrubbing up her servers:
She is such a dopey person
if you look closely ar her , you will see demons…
Not joking matter she should be tried for treason!
She won’t be president
Obozo got about three of that already in that congress had approved !!
Go away HAG.tired of looking at your ugly.mug.We don’t want give up.
you are the joke Hitlery
She thinks if she becomes president she will be immune from the legal system, like Obama.