This is a Joke, Right? Hillary is Now Blaming WHAT For Her Loss?

This is a Joke, Right?  Hillary is Now Blaming WHAT For Her Loss?

The Big Blame list for which Hillary Clinton’s third failed attempt at gaining the presidency (2008, 2016, Recount/Electoral College Vote-Switch Attempt) continues to grow, resembling the honey-do list one usually receives while on vacation.  As a public service, I will elaborate upon this updated list.


      1. Russia
      2. Former FBI Director James Comey
      3. WikiLeaks
      4. Misogyny/Sexism
      5. Senator Bernie Sanders
      6. Senior Hillary Campaign Officials
      7. Schadenfreude
      8. Voter Suppression
      9. Advocacy Press on the Right
      10. First Amendment
      11. Religious Interests
      12. Moderate Conservatives
      13. Fake News
      14. MSNBC
      15. New York Times
      16. Opponents’ Anger

The excuses only get better, friends. Let’s take a look at my personal favorite on the next page:

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