The Big Blame list for which Hillary Clinton’s third failed attempt at gaining the presidency (2008, 2016, Recount/Electoral College Vote-Switch Attempt) continues to grow, resembling the honey-do list one usually receives while on vacation. As a public service, I will elaborate upon this updated list.
- Russia
- Former FBI Director James Comey
- WikiLeaks
- Misogyny/Sexism
- Senator Bernie Sanders
- Senior Hillary Campaign Officials
- Schadenfreude
- Voter Suppression
- Advocacy Press on the Right
- First Amendment
- Religious Interests
- Moderate Conservatives
- Fake News
- New York Times
- Opponents’ Anger
The excuses only get better, friends. Let’s take a look at my personal favorite on the next page:
The only reason she lost, Trump!
She lost because she is a WHITE COLLAR CRIMINAL.
This is way beyond pathetic. She needs to see a shrink. There is a DSM diagnosis for this.
I can see down hill clinton sitting in an old folk home 15 yrs from now with old people trying to watch and listen to the soap opera’s and she parks herself in front of the television and continues to try to blame everyone she can as to why she lost the election.
Don’t make her richer by buying her nook
She is mentally ill !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sure her new book, is a whole book of excuses why she lost the election and all those whose to blame for it; buy, I’ll bet no where in tat book does it mention that she lost because she’s a pathological liar and criminal and when she was exposed no one wanted someone like that as President!
In the words of Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon!”
Tim Rohe she’s not our president. Move on.
Actually, Tim Rohe, the FBI says she didn’t commit any crimes to prosecute. You delicate snowflakes need to move on.