The Big Blame list for which Hillary Clinton’s third failed attempt at gaining the presidency (2008, 2016, Recount/Electoral College Vote-Switch Attempt) continues to grow, resembling the honey-do list one usually receives while on vacation. As a public service, I will elaborate upon this updated list.
- Russia
- Former FBI Director James Comey
- WikiLeaks
- Misogyny/Sexism
- Senator Bernie Sanders
- Senior Hillary Campaign Officials
- Schadenfreude
- Voter Suppression
- Advocacy Press on the Right
- First Amendment
- Religious Interests
- Moderate Conservatives
- Fake News
- New York Times
- Opponents’ Anger
The excuses only get better, friends. Let’s take a look at my personal favorite on the next page:
She’s dilussional and a perpetual corrupt, liar! Nobody listens to her whining anymore, so she thinks putting it in a book, will get people to read it. Anyone who is Ignorant enough to continue this person’s mental behavior is nieve to think that everyone else, but Herself is the reason for her failures in life!
It’s what atheist, socialist, snowflakes do.
The Venezulean rebels made me do it!
Ella Jernigan,
Her record speaks for itself…Unelectable !!!
You Lost Because of Your Lies, and Your An$#%&!@*HOLE!!!!
Hilarious Hilary
You you are why a loss was handed to you. Nothing more .. We the people don’t trust you or believe a word you say. ..weak candidate. Simple and true
Blame me, I voted for Trump.
She’s the biggest joke there is!!!!!