The Big Blame list for which Hillary Clinton’s third failed attempt at gaining the presidency (2008, 2016, Recount/Electoral College Vote-Switch Attempt) continues to grow, resembling the honey-do list one usually receives while on vacation. As a public service, I will elaborate upon this updated list.
- Russia
- Former FBI Director James Comey
- WikiLeaks
- Misogyny/Sexism
- Senator Bernie Sanders
- Senior Hillary Campaign Officials
- Schadenfreude
- Voter Suppression
- Advocacy Press on the Right
- First Amendment
- Religious Interests
- Moderate Conservatives
- Fake News
- New York Times
- Opponents’ Anger
The excuses only get better, friends. Let’s take a look at my personal favorite on the next page:
I think hillary lost due to her stupidity, incompetence, and possible dementia as a contributing factor.
Such a waste of time when all she has to do is look in the mirror!
Golks, you need to read it and pass it on.
Dave, thank you for the posting…This lady takes the “coo-coo bird of the century” award for bravery in the face of her own undoing.
She and the rest of the Clinton Crime Family needs to be arrested for murder and treason.
Patricia Rodgers go away to Gitmo. They have room for her.
Would love to her be a 3 time loser……let her run again!!!
It doesn’t matter when this article came out, there is a book with the same information just published. You would think someone with half a brain would want to disconnect themselves from this huge loss she incurred instead of publishing it all over the place. Just proves she has lost her marbles!
She done it to herself.
Sexism, racism, Weiner, Comey, Assange, Russia, Canada, global warming, anything and everyone except the American people didnt want her.