Hillary’s trail of scandal continues to grow, after it was discovered that she sat on the board of a Clinton Global Initiative partner that is under investigation for allegedly supplying funds to the Islamic State. Does this really surprise anybody? Probably not.
This isn’t the first time Hillary has been accused of funding terrorism, and it probably won’t be the last. The company LaFargeHolcim, is a cement company that partnered with the Clinton Global Initiative as recently as 2014.
Financial records show that the company donated between $50,000 and $100,000 dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Nobody really knows the exact number, because like all records kept by the Clintons, they tend to disappear. Hillary’s campaign money has come from a variety of dark sources, including the oil companies she denies doing business with, various union groups and, as it would seem, terrorists. And this isn’t the first time she’s accepted donations from questionable sources. It really wouldn’t shock anybody to find that a majority of her campaign money has come from sources with ties to ISIS, if not ISIS themselves.
Wait until you read what The Canary reported after conducting an internal investigation into the cement company.
Find out on the next page.
Ain’t happening. Not in this administration.
Someone please tell me how Hillary can lie so much and some American’s just look the other way?! One thing I know, Trump will win if the people don’t get discourage by the stupid media telling us everyday that Trump is down in the polls. What a joke! Who are they polling? Certainly not the people i’m talking to! Look at Trump’s crowds. They are huge! In Detroit Trump had 1500 at Cobo Hall. Hillary came few day’s later to Warren, Mi. and maybe had 500 at the most. American’s will never let this lying crook in office!
There are a lot of bodies in the Clinton trail of lies.And for you people who think she was found innocent. She wasn’t. They simply couldn’t charge her. Big difference. And the reason they are still investigating her is because they are still connecting the dots. The corruption of her email (erasing them), pay to play while she was Sec. of State should scare the c**p out of every American. But the liberals just don’t want to hear about them. While she stands there and tells her little brainwashed liberals that global warming is a problem she made money in Columbia from a friend she made sure got permission to go there and cut down wide parts of the rain forest. She sells them out and they are stupid enough to believe her. She made money and sold her so called beliefs out. She lies people it is that simple. She doesn’t care about America or Americans or she wouldn’t have made a deal helping Russia to obtain 20% of U.S. uranium. Think about that that is why she and the Obummer admin. have done nothing about Russia going into Crimea. Lots of people killed and yet they Obummer admin. sat on their hands. Everyones getting rich around the Clintons and others are paying the price with their lives. That is a fact. Plain and Simple. So you little liberals don’t need to pretend how wonderful she is. If you think that way you are just as evil as the Clinton are.
That’s a big joke they r in bed with the Clintons that’s like letting a wolf check on another wolf who is killing sheep
MORE B******T. Why not investigate the FBI for the MURDER of the RANCHER BUNDY
and so do the suicides & mysterious deaths…
Another stairway to nowhere. Wake up folks,, it’s all rigged and no one in DC has the balls to fight it.
Despite CNN/MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS being cheerleaders for Clinton, the election is a virtual tie.
LA Times has it 44.2 to 43.1.
It will really be great when we never see the three clintons ever again as all three are just pure trash and filthy!