On a radio talk show, John McCain puts his treasonous colors on full display. One wonders how someone can live with themselves for promoting such Anti-American garbage.
The host asks McCain, “But what about recording people in their home?”
McCain responds, “It’s the world we live in.”
“Everything I say I expect to be recorded. It’s just the way we live, Dan. It’s just something you’ve got to accept…”
Check Out McCain’s Interview:
That’s why smart tvs are out now. Lol. My tv is 30 years old.
No he ratted them out for special treatment.
He is part of the Democratic Party, Cia and FBI cadre. All power hungry elitist, and it all started with HW Bush when he headed up the CIA. He was the one that installed Kadafi in Libya
I don’t do anything wrong.
When they say your Bible is propaganda hate speech?
Your garden is an HOA code violatiin?
Yet is when you don’t conform to one.
They didn’t get all of that tumor…..
To those worried, why would you put your face on Facebook? Facial recognition being downloaded to NSA database as per Obama.
haha you have to be listening to some really boring$#%&!@*…you’ve got the right house your just 20 years to late….now were really going to start bad mouthing you so turn the recorder on