On a radio talk show, John McCain puts his treasonous colors on full display. One wonders how someone can live with themselves for promoting such Anti-American garbage.
The host asks McCain, “But what about recording people in their home?”
McCain responds, “It’s the world we live in.”
“Everything I say I expect to be recorded. It’s just the way we live, Dan. It’s just something you’ve got to accept…”
Check Out McCain’s Interview:
McCain is senile and needs to retire. I think he is Pelosi’s long lost twin.
it’s a shame, you have to give him respect for his serice during Vietnam but he has more than used up all that credit.
RECALL this fool, Arizona!
Scumbag traitor!
He’s protecting himself. It will come out…
You will when they come after you.
VERY SLOW AND VERY PAINFUL DEATH:: http://powderedwigsociety.com/the-real-john-mccain-20012/#
He used the word …..we. That should scare you.
John Magee your confusing me with someone else