Among the vicious and petty figures who make up the anti-Trump movement, few are as invidious in their criticism of the president as Arizona senator and establishment favorite John McCain.
From the earliest days of the 2016 election cycle, McCain left little room for speculation as to where he stood on the real estate tycoon-turned-insurgent candidate. An ardent supporter of the same failed policies of the past few decades, the senator undoubtedly preferred RINO candidates like Jeb Bush and John Kasich to a dyed in the wool conservative like Donald Trump.
When Trump beat the odds, however, and won the GOP nomination fair and square, McCain reluctantly endorsed him but pounced upon the opportunity to retract said endorsement when the media manufactured a scandal over decade-old comments the candidate made in private to Billy Bush. And since his inauguration, McCain has remained steadfast in his attacks on the president.
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Sounds mighty un- American.
Fire the traitor. Has an angry old man pissed that he couldn’t be president. Just like Hillary.
Weak minded old fool has shown he’s unfit to be in any political elected position. He s become mentally unbalanced !!!!!!!
Hanoi John
I denounce John McAsshole ….. how do we get a recall going?
Next time this mf leaves the country just don’t let him back in
Looks like the JOKE is on You McCain you should have told about the Russians when you asked for money in your Champagne for President. No respect at all.
Treasonous traitor