The kooky ideas being pushed by liberal cranks in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory are rapidly spreading from the fringes of the left to the forefront of progressivism itself.
In an inversion that is almost as hilarious as it is bizarre, Democrats have abandoned any pretense of rationality in favor of a hysterical antipathy towards Trump and his fellow Republicans, latching on to any theory no matter how outlandish so long as it paints their enemies in a bad light. The most notorious of these claims is that Trump is a pawn, witting or unwitting, of Vladimir Putin who will put the US at the mercy of Moscow.
Despite the fact that there is zero evidence for these allegations, the left has run with them and spread them so far and wide that even Democratic leaders are starting to parrot them.
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Explain to me how the Russians got 40 plus million to vote for him against their will?
He won 3 times stupid
Lewis is mute ! Any laws passed Lewis mute! Any appropriations passed Lewis mute! So don’t work with President Trump! Also any of the other libtards do not show up, the Republican control congress and Senate do not need Lewis or any libtards to “Make America Great Again” .Please don’t show up the world and America will be better off!
how do we get fools like him in government.
Angry old black guy who can’t accept that Hillaty lost!
Hey man, what makes you legitimate? You still live in the past, with prejudice and racism, in your heart. In your younger days you have accomplished much for the black people. Now live like an American, without spewing all that hatred you have boiling up inside you. Be more productive, for all peoples, not just one race, because if not you will never shed your hatred.
Dumbass..your side was caught with voter fraud, but that is ok right?
Obama broke so many laws and committed so many acts of treason as did many in his administration and others throughout the branches of government, but NO no one really said or did anything to stop them is downright criminal and wrong. Yet,now such decry evil of the next President et al. Hello,how about working to unite instead of dividing this country further, because frankly I and other Americans have had enough. Our nation is called the UNITED States for a reason. Divided we will fall,to paraphrase a great President of our past,President Lincoln. United we will stand-get it! It’s time to become the UNITED States again and to stop being the Divided States,because divisions have put our nation vulnerable to our enemies as Obama has proven.
funny coming from a man who voted and supported a man who doesn’t even have a legitimate birth certificate
call the waa bulance