The kooky ideas being pushed by liberal cranks in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory are rapidly spreading from the fringes of the left to the forefront of progressivism itself.
In an inversion that is almost as hilarious as it is bizarre, Democrats have abandoned any pretense of rationality in favor of a hysterical antipathy towards Trump and his fellow Republicans, latching on to any theory no matter how outlandish so long as it paints their enemies in a bad light. The most notorious of these claims is that Trump is a pawn, witting or unwitting, of Vladimir Putin who will put the US at the mercy of Moscow.
Despite the fact that there is zero evidence for these allegations, the left has run with them and spread them so far and wide that even Democratic leaders are starting to parrot them.
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He is ridiculous.
The only “RIGGING” going on came from the Democrat Party. You rigged the nomination to your own shame and you paid the press off to make false reports to discourage conservative voters, you promoted a known criminal and encouraged the party to back her all the way, you interfered in the investigations surrounding your candidate and yet you still wonder how you could have list? The American people DO NOT TRUST YOU! And apparently for good reasons. Your party still doesn’t get it which is actually a good thing for conservatives. Your party is completely unwilling to accept the blame for its corruption. You are all so unrepentant that it’s quiet possible that there may never be another Democrat in the Whitehouse for the next 24 years. The more your party kicks and fusses throwing hiss fits and obstructing the countrys business to the detriment of the people the less likely they are to ever consider a Democrat for public office. This childish and destructive behaviour has convinced me and many others that we desparately need term limits and end the Era of career do nothing constructive politicians.
In my eyes your a nobody fell me mumbaler
Does he remember obama interfering in Israel election
He remembers but in his racist eyes that was okay
We tired of looking at your stupid face come on face book every other picture we thought you monitor these things or are you just trying to stir things uo
Another killary Pon
Enough of this$#%&!@*…He insults and then plays the victim…sick!
He’s a Racist
Demo narcissistic assh….so. still blaming every one but their own lying cheating stealing corrupted party for their defeat. I’m a registered demo but I voted for Trump and will change to a registered Republican and never vote for a puke$#%&!@*democrat.