The kooky ideas being pushed by liberal cranks in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory are rapidly spreading from the fringes of the left to the forefront of progressivism itself.
In an inversion that is almost as hilarious as it is bizarre, Democrats have abandoned any pretense of rationality in favor of a hysterical antipathy towards Trump and his fellow Republicans, latching on to any theory no matter how outlandish so long as it paints their enemies in a bad light. The most notorious of these claims is that Trump is a pawn, witting or unwitting, of Vladimir Putin who will put the US at the mercy of Moscow.
Despite the fact that there is zero evidence for these allegations, the left has run with them and spread them so far and wide that even Democratic leaders are starting to parrot them.
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How is congress ever going to get things done, if you don’t stop reelecting these idiots.
John Lewis you need to be deported
what rigged election
show me your proof
The russian hack had nothing to do with the outcome of the election. On the other hand, 16 states using voting machines from George Soros and multiple democrat precincts getting caught with duplicate votes probably did
rigged my$#%&!@* the only fraud we heard was the democrat in VA that got caught trying to register 19 democratic voters, problem was they were all dead, and machines changing Trumps votes to Hillary’s and the box of ballot found during the recount that someone didn’t put in with already filled out ballots with Hillary for President, face it she lost no way Russia could have hacked voting machines idiot because they are not connected to the internet and I am sure Russia didn’t send Russians here to chop off American hands and replace with Russian hands to vote for Trump nor used mind control you liberals are all morons Trump is the next President to deal with it.
John Lewis, how can you talk of RIGGED election?When you know Obama gave Benjamin Netanyahu opponent millions of dollars to defeat Netanyahu. If that,s not called RIGGED or inferring “inferring”with an election what is. I am a democrat, I am so ashamed of most of the democrats behavior over this election.
You are a racist and a LIAR!!!!!!!!!NO RIGGED ELECTION!!!!!!