The kooky ideas being pushed by liberal cranks in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory are rapidly spreading from the fringes of the left to the forefront of progressivism itself.
In an inversion that is almost as hilarious as it is bizarre, Democrats have abandoned any pretense of rationality in favor of a hysterical antipathy towards Trump and his fellow Republicans, latching on to any theory no matter how outlandish so long as it paints their enemies in a bad light. The most notorious of these claims is that Trump is a pawn, witting or unwitting, of Vladimir Putin who will put the US at the mercy of Moscow.
Despite the fact that there is zero evidence for these allegations, the left has run with them and spread them so far and wide that even Democratic leaders are starting to parrot them.
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What a crock of c**p he spews! He did not attend the swearing in ceremony for G W Bush for RACE matters! Lie some more you illegitimate truth teller!!!!!!!!! NOT
MLK is very disappointed with you/ feel very ashamed
All along the Democraps have said that the election ws not rigged.
Face like a pig brain dead$#%&!@*slime
The election was rigged all right. In favor of HC. She still couldn’t win.
Get over you big fricken lyin cry baby. Well your state is off my vacation list toll your gone!!!!!
He is a pos
The main part of the Swamp.
Lewis = F**e politician. Sucking up taxpayer dollars in the name of prejudice.
Democratic Party rigged it$#%&!@* And while your at it a white man george Soros is pulling your strings .