Trump Jr. and John Legend, in a fight reminiscent of the old playground argument of ‘my dad is bigger than your dad’, broke out on Twitter. Legend called Donald Trump “a racist” to which Donald Jr. responded by telling Legend that he cannot pull the race card as the answer for everything.
The incident occurred after the rally in Chicago was called off due to the violent nature of the anti-Trump protesters. Donald Trump, Jr. tweeted that when questioned as to why the protesters were at the rally, they could not even give an explanation. His tweet read, “The participation medal/micro aggression generation is pretty sad!”
This of course did not set well with Legend who fired back, defending the protester’s motives, saying that Trump Jr.’s dad was racist.
Read more about the exchange on the next page.
I am tired of the race card, knock that chip off your shoulder.
you are sick
And your an asshole
F**k John Legend
Ash hole for aure
Legend, you are racist, moron.
That word used against whites/conservatives means nothing anymore. We know who the true racists are.
You is racist. .
How stupid
.these entertainers think that their opinions are the only ones that matter if this country is so racist why are there so many of these no talent assholes a king so much money off the American public and it’s usually the blacks that have the most are the ones that cry the most I’ve never been racist but in these times it’s hard not to be these assholes crying and robbing looting all in the name of racism b******t you idiots need to be somewhere else and see if you live the wonderful life you live here you poor oppressed people