Just when you thought the Obama administration couldn’t be any more clueless when it comes to terrorism, John Kerry goes ahead and proves us all wrong.
Granted, the Secretary of State has a history of making regrettableĀ remarks whilst attempting to articulate (often poorly) his policy positions, the most notorious being his claim that he was for the Iraq war “before he was against it” during the 2004 presidential race. But Kerry took his habit of making ill-considered comments to a dangerous new low at a press conference in Bangladesh.
Addressing the topic of terror, Kerry offered a novel solution to the problem: stop talking about it.
No really, he said that peopleĀ can’t expect governments to prevent terror 100% of the time, so it would be better if the media stopped covering it because it gives terrorists attention. Because you know, not talking about things totally makes them stop happening.
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Truly a moron.
Kerry obammy hilly all need to catch the next plane out. Get lost loser
So you and obama can sneak more Muslims into our country.
It’s better to walk alone, than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.
Coo coo
they have pills for people like you
Does anybody even listen to this idiot?
Israel became a nation in 5-14-1948 with a constitution, congress, land, an elected leader, and national sovereignty. Palestine has no land, no constitution, no leader, no congress, no nothing, yet how can the UN recognize them. Anyone remember the PLO-Palestine Liberation Army with Yassar Arafat? It’s like the American Indians would claim to be a voting member of UN. Palestine has no rights. Israel owns the land and Palestine lost the War of 1967 to Israel. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has given this land to Israel.
This Idiot can’t even sell ketchup!!!