Ever since the Pope’s visit to America, it feels like the term “climate change” has been picking up more momentum in the media. With this issue already highly politicized and all of the scandal behind it, even if there were definitive proof that it was happening, people wouldn’t believe it.
Liberals are clinging so desperately to this idea that they profit greatly from that they’re even willing to try and coin new phrases like “climate refugee”. That’s right, Secretary of State, John Kerry is warning that people will soon being fleeing the devastation caused by global warming.
Read more about this warning on the next page.
Dumber then cement !!!
This is the idiot of the year & the Traitor of the Year again. God takes care of Climate Change. This moron wants to line his pockets.
Kerry and ALL climate change loons should be sent on a one way trip TO MARS!!!
Maybe the space between his ears has no substance and a void that has its own climate. Maybe his brain has migrated from his cranium…
Haha f**e conservatives are more liberal than liberals.
Like the communist Vladimir Lenin once said
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it”
Its all about money
Oh climate refugees so now we are housing penguins and polar bears. Only thing that makes sense to me there home in all ice and doesn’t do well with heat humans can learn and should learn to ADAPT to their surroundings they are suppose to be the smartest creatures on this planet they should act like it and adapt not try to adapt their surrounds around them
Oh for goodness sakes their goes another liberal that deceives the American people to line their pockets.
Kerry is brain dead..
Can this moron get any stupider!!!!!!!!