Ever since the Pope’s visit to America, it feels like the term “climate change” has been picking up more momentum in the media. With this issue already highly politicized and all of the scandal behind it, even if there were definitive proof that it was happening, people wouldn’t believe it.
Liberals are clinging so desperately to this idea that they profit greatly from that they’re even willing to try and coin new phrases like “climate refugee”. That’s right, Secretary of State, John Kerry is warning that people will soon being fleeing the devastation caused by global warming.
Read more about this warning on the next page.
No they don’t.
Any blood spilt by them will be on your hands John Kerry. Human caused climate change isn’t enough of an an insult to the average intelligent person, but now Climate Refugees? History will mock you and expose the damage done by the money grabbing hoaxes you promote.
Two times Kerry has committed treason against his own country arrest him & throw away the key !!!!
No YOU need “special” attention!
The truth !!!!
kerry is a traidtor and corrup like the rest in the white house ,, biden is a laugh ,
what an idiot
Get him out of here
John Kerry needs to resign along with Obama. He’s a complete idiot. There are only so called refugees because of the crises you and Obama have caused globally.
This is obviously a very sick and twisted individual