John Kerry: We Now Have ‘Climate Refugees’, They Need Special Attention

At a small town hall event about the oceans, Kerry described climate refugees as people who had to leave their homes due to the various factors involved in climate change. He made claims that world leaders are already talking about this issue, but failed to mention who and where.

He remarked that more world leaders had begun to talk about this rising threat in many of his international meetings, although he admitted that the issue was not yet a “crescendo.”

International organizations, like the United Nations, he admitted, would have to codify the term “climate refugee” and put it into law. That would grant special immigration privileges to immigrants claiming refugee status, allowing them to move to other countries.

Kerry believes that there will be a time when the refugee process has legitimately incorporated the status into policy, but until something can be scientifically proven and have indisputable evidence, it’ll be just another thing that splits lawmakers down the middle.




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