The United Kingdom has been in the news quite a bit recently over its upcoming referendum on whether or not they would like to remain a member of the European Union (EU). The vote will be held next month on June 23 and the British people remain relatively evenly split on staying or leaving. There are many reasons that Brits want to leave the EU, but the primary reason is that the European Union threatens the sovereignty of its member nations.
France and Belgium have already suffered at the hands of the European Union’s open border policies, as the terrorists who carried out the Paris and Brussels attacks were able to move about freely throughout the European union.
The European Union is not the only international organization or group that has sought to destroy the sovereignty of member nations. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was created to dictate trade, commerce, and manufacturing rules to signatories to the agreement.
With all of the ways that world governments attempt to co-opt the will of their countries’ citizens, it is no surprise that when Secretary of State John Kerry gave a recent commencement speech to students at Boston’s Northeastern University he told them to prepare for a “borderless world.”
To watch Secretary Kerry brainwash speak to new graduates and read more, continue on the next page:
Unreal that evil has become so popular.
Mindless imbecile
Never happen . This is what all the fringe elitist wackos want. Their dream is to control the masses because they think we are inferior. They are elitist snobs that want to control the population, and the people.
I would be more worried about God’s rath
Then move where there’s no boarders! Hippie lol
I am prparing for kerry obama hillary bernie muslims and liberals worldscumsless!
Prepare for prison lerch
Why is it that all the extremely wealthy one percenters who keep telling us we don’t need borders all live in well secured homes with walls and round the clock security?