The Democratic Party is quick to inveigh against what it claims is the corruption of the GOP, but is silent about their own members’ efforts to enrich themselves.
Between the unconstrained lawlessness of President Obama and the scandal-ridden career of Hillary Clinton, it is easy to forget about John Kerry. Granted, he is notorious for his many flip-flops and moments wherein he puts his foot in his mouth, but he generally doesn’t strike one as a schemer on par with Hillary or Obama. Yet as it turns out, he is just as slick and self-serving as any Democrat.
Looking into State Department records, The Daily Caller News Foundation learned that the department used the Peace Corps to transfer over $9 million to a nonprofit organization named Seed Global Health. That group was founded by none other than Dr. Vanessa Kerry, daughter of none other than – you guessed it – John Kerry.
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Hillary never went to Louisiana. By choice, she spent her time in the Hamptons with the elite, rich people that could do something for her campaign funds. Then traveled to several Hollywood homes for the same. I guess the residents in Louisiana, who were suffering, were too “deplorable
One of these articles said he was worth 186 to 250 million. I thought it was his wife who had all the money? This was the cheapskate who parked his new six million yatch in New York to avoid taxes. He got caught and paid up.
This is the thing wrong in WDC. It’s do for me and mine and I’ll do for you and yours. Who cares about the people, very few.
Was part of the deal that someone would marry her?
Hillary taught Kerry well
Create your foundation and Obama will donate millions of Americas hard working citizens tax dollars into the foundation!
Another play for pay
This is why all the politicians, both democrats and republicans don’t want Trump elected!
They are all corrupt criminals!
Trump knows what they do
They know Trump is going to stop their corrupt, illegal activities.
Shut down their corrupt tax dollars thieving foundation !
Because congress is complicit in the corruption!
That is why even the republicans don’t want Trump elected!
This is the reason the establishment is fighting so hard to keep Trump out. Their pockets will be empty and they might have to find a job and work! Clean the rats out!!!!!!