In a speech in South Korea, Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Internet “needs rules to be able to flourish and work properly.” Even though the Internet has been flourishing quite well without authoritarian control, Kerry claims that it is necessary even for “a technology founded on freedom” to be placed under strict international law.
Kerry’s sales job for UN control could be much better…but then again, how good does it need to be?
Kerry needs to be the first one shot
communist traitor.
Another of ovomits pets, he needs to be gone.
Screw that John Kerry, you are an idiot
I call for the law to take over him and everyone of the idiots that are supposed to represent We the People.
This Administration just Blows
de fund and kick the UN out of the USA and NEW YORK CITY we don’t need the muslim run a – – holes,, and kerry can go with tthem, we don’t need him either
The LAST thing we need is UN control of ANY DAMN THING !!! The UN SUCKS and should be dis-banded and while that happens it should BE KICKED OUT OF AMERICA, along with JOHN (the loser Swift Boater) KERRY !!! kerry is UNFIT FOR OFFICE he is a LIAR along with his protectors in the COMMUNIST MASS MEDIA CULT !!! They are the ones that WANT TO CONTROL THE INTERNET, NOT THE UN, SO THEY CAN SHUT UP THEIR OPPOSITION !!!! NEVER EVER VOTE FOR A COMMUNIST DEMONCRAT PARTY MEMBER, EVER !!!
Hey lurch strap a toaster to your chest then jump into a pool