In a speech in South Korea, Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Internet “needs rules to be able to flourish and work properly.” Even though the Internet has been flourishing quite well without authoritarian control, Kerry claims that it is necessary even for “a technology founded on freedom” to be placed under strict international law.
Kerry’s sales job for UN control could be much better…but then again, how good does it need to be?
Kerry is not that much different than other Marxist. They want to make the world one big cesspool.
Like you did on river patrol in your duty in Nam
Kerry is a brain dead sack of animal feces
Wtf is the un get the f out you treasonous basted
John Kerry Bite Me!
Another idio
Why, if for international surveillance between members or data collecting on terror groups, fine…
Anything else… I vote HELL NO!
The more this incompetent liar talks the more stupid stuff he says! What an idiot!