Kerry begins this speech by stating that someone named ‘Shriek’ had drafted a strategy for American and Muslim relations. Who this Shriek is exactly is unknown, but apparently his words ‘religion matters’ is ‘a mantra in the State Dept’.
Kerry continues stating that ‘our faiths’ referring to Christianity and Islam are ‘inextricably linked’.
Kerry’s words are bizarre, to say the least. It’s basically a half-baked attempt to forge an affinity for Islam, and is a statement that the U.S. is now acquiescing to the Muslim Brotherhood, who has successfully infiltrated the United States to a great degree.
What has Kerry flipped.
WHAT???? HOW did he say that witha straight face….very dry humor, lol
Sure because you libtards are soooo sane and creditable. Have another pull on your fool aid.
kerry drinks to much ketsup
Where does it say that. He is a complet idiot
Hey, it’s Herman Munster again. Wonder who’s bible, he got that passage from ???
he got to be smokin way too much crack
No you are wrong
If he would keep his mouth shut, no one would know how Stupid he is.
We will, one big assed bomb and they will be with their 70 virgins and Allah, that will protect them from Global Warming