Kerry begins this speech by stating that someone named ‘Shriek’ had drafted a strategy for American and Muslim relations. Who this Shriek is exactly is unknown, but apparently his words ‘religion matters’ is ‘a mantra in the State Dept’.
Kerry continues stating that ‘our faiths’ referring to Christianity and Islam are ‘inextricably linked’.
Kerry’s words are bizarre, to say the least. It’s basically a half-baked attempt to forge an affinity for Islam, and is a statement that the U.S. is now acquiescing to the Muslim Brotherhood, who has successfully infiltrated the United States to a great degree.
This Moron needs to have his head checked!! Show us where it says that in the old or next testaments, not the Muslim version Obummer gave you!!
Is he doing drugs.
What an$#%&!@*
Sorry, I hit return before I had finished:
As Kerry began his speak and an effort to explain the U.S. policy – Religious Leader and Faith Community… he talked of its drafting by ‘Shrek’ (sp?). He [‘Shrek’] said two words – “Religion Matters.” and continued, “We’re making it a mantra at the State Department in our foreign policy.” and continued on, “Our faiths are indescribably linked, linked on any number of things that we must confront and deal with in policy concepts today; …on the environment, for many of us – respect for God’s creation, also translates into a duty to protect and astatine his 1st creation – EARTH, the planet; before God created man, he created heavens and earth. Confronting claimant change is in the long run is, one of the greatest challenges we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in scriptures, clearly, beginning in Genesis. And Muslims majority counties are among the most vulnerable, our response to this challenge ought to be routed in a sense of stewardship of earth, and for me and many of us here today that response comes from God.”
In listening over and over to what Kerry actually said, so that I could type HIS words – there was NO command to protect Muslims. I head him refer to Muslims as being “vulnerable.” Maybe he is speaking to the brainwashing of ISIS and their hatred, after all ISIS has been able to brainwash Americans into terrorist acts. This would make Muslims at risk too of believing the rhetoric of ISIS.) Maybe he is speaking to ISIS having access to weapons of Mass Destruction. (Bombs that will destroy the earth, its lands, its waters, and its atmosphere. Maybe he is referring to ISIS’s single minded goal to turn others to their beliefs, to kill other and destroy, or maybe their inability to realize or even care about the damage to the Global Environment, their environment too.
I read the U.S. Policy (as stated above) which explains the policy and its U.S. intent to communicate with other countries’ religious leaders, in an effort to bring about and understanding of the dangers with the harm caused by all the loss of life and injuries caused, but also the danger lurking in the act of dropping a nuclear bomb. There is and need that others to understand and aid in protecting our planet.
I do not believe that Kerry was saying the Bible tells use to protect Muslims per se, but to say that we (ALL of us) have a duty to protect EARTH from the foolishness of man, to protect God’s creation. The current threats are SOME Muslims and SOME Muslim countries, but there are other threats and possible threats to the EARTH – these are ALL countries who have or are attempting to obtain or build nuclear weapons, all pose a risk to this plant; BUT there is yet another threat to EARTH, and that is Trump and his “NUKE THEM” attitude. Any bomb set off whether it be by ISIS, another county and this includes the U.S. is a treat to ALL of the world in one way or the other. Does anyone want another bomb dropped, does not history show what a bomb can do to the region, let allow the drift of radiation into the atmosphere, and what about the innocent who die and the innocent survivors. (I am not including the guilty killed or harmed, but is the killing of innocent worth the killing of the hundreds or more, who are guilty? How many lives the guilty, make killing one innocent person worth the cost – one for one, ten for one, 100 for one?)
This guy….is an idiot
go screw your self Kerry, You Muslim$#%&!@*kisser
OK DUMB$#%&!@*
Now what scripture is that?
This man is deranged and not bright!! He definitely has NOT read the word of God!!
Anybody who believes that fool is a bigger fool. Has that man ever read the Bible? I think not! There was no America when the Bible was written and there was no Islam when the bible was written. Kerry needs to be put under protection from himself, thats how stupid he is.