Deere & Co, the world’s largest manufacturer of farm equipment, announced yesterday that it plans to lay off over 900 employees due to a decline in grain prices that kills demand for their agricultural machinery.
But John Deere isn’t alone. Several other top companies, like eBay and American Express, are laying off people by the thousands.
In two years we won’t get a new president we will have a king.
Next time you or someone you know go’s to buy a Kubote look up the history of john deere. Look up how john deere took care of people in the great depression. This is a company that took care of their employees their customers and loved their country. Stop buying Kubote products just because its cheaper!!! I will only buy john deere. You open my shop and you’ll only see green. If you want American companys to make it then buy American products. Tell the government to stop giving tax breaks to foreign countries to sell the juck in our country.
they cannot compete with communist imports !
Its sad but true.
Communists have slave labor, that’s how they can afford to build something thousands of miles away and ship it here cheaper than we can make it here !
Kubote has moved to the u.s. They’ve got 3 or 4 big plants in ga. I just seen a sign saying they were hiring more people. Kia moved to ga. I guess I should be happy cause they give jobs but it just makes me mad seeing them here.
most of the jobs are robotic, and only a handful of technicians are needed to operate them, problem being automated equipment can replace humans, the problem with machines, they don’t buy anything ?
unless the citizens write a law, to give them the authority and the power to hold any politician or elected official, accountable for their actions, and apply consequences this will continue to go on, until this country no longer exist !