Deere & Co, the world’s largest manufacturer of farm equipment, announced yesterday that it plans to lay off over 900 employees due to a decline in grain prices that kills demand for their agricultural machinery.
But John Deere isn’t alone. Several other top companies, like eBay and American Express, are laying off people by the thousands.
News flash obamas is in the crapper and the economy along with thm
That will make unemployment numbers go DOWN….by Obama math.
My company is closing due to loss of sales in our largest industry military defense. I am not a member of any political party. Why? I support truth, justice, mercy, love, this country and the hard-working Americans in it (including stay at home fathers or mothers). There was a time when holding a political office was more of a choice to give their service to the related community similar to serving in the military. Now it is a career choice. That is part of our once great nation’s problem. Our politicians are not leading with their hearts in service. They have their own hidden agendas. BHO is no different. In fact, I would submit that he is an extreme example of my point which saddens me because I was proud that our nation elected its first “blackish” president. However since that election, America has worsened in most every area I can think of. Let’s start with the most important area: the family. SINCE 2007, THE MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME HAS DROPPED ABOUT 7.4% while our cost of living increases 2 to 3% each year on average. SINCE 2007, HOUSEHOLDS RECEIVING FOOD STAMPS HAVE MORE THAN DOUBLED. How about the individual? THE % OF OUR CIVILIAN WORKFORCE (people who are able to work) THAT WERE ACTUALLY EMPLOYED, WHICH HISTORICALLY HOVERED BETWEEN 66% AND 68% THROUGH 2007, IS NOW AT 63%. So 37% of Americans who should be working are not! THE “REAL” UNEMPLOYMENT RATE (U6 rate), WHICH HOVERED BETWEEN 7% AND 10% THROUGH 2007, HIT A RECORD HIGH (high=bad) 17% IN 2009 AND IS STILL AROUND 13% TODAY. Even though it has improved we still have not seen 13% since 1994 (when, instead of serving, Clinton was getting serviced in the oval office). You may ask, “So what is that 5.4% unemployment rate I keep hearing about?” THAT is the U3, which does not consider ALL the lazy people who simply gave up looking for a job or are people who are in jobs below their needs and abilities (i.e. wants full time but only finds part time or an accountant flipping burgers). The U3 is BS spin… lies. How about our American businesses? SINCE 2009, THERE HAS BEEN MORE BUSINESS CLOSURES THAN START-UPS AND THE GAP IS WORSENING. Prior to 2009, there have always been more business start-ups. If these FACTS are not depressing enough, the government has been running up our “credit cards” more than ever in history to new historical levels. SINCE 2008, OUR NATION’S DEBT HAS ALMOST DOUBLED FROM $10,000,000,000,000 TO OVER $18,000,000,000,000. It is estimated that he will double it by 2016. Our national debt to GDP (which measures our ability to pay the interest on our debt), which has hovered between 50 to 70% since 1990, is now over 100% (higher is bad… meaning our debt is greater than our GDP!). I did not even get into the more subjective areas like the obvious worsened race relations, political party relations, foreign relations, etc. etc. Each one of these metrics is cause for grave concern yet none were even mentioned as a concern in BHO’s SOTU address. Why? He is not dumb. These trends will soon destroy our economy and the country. The only logical conclusion is he has his own agenda. I am not a negative person but it is hard to be positive when there is so little to be positive about and yet our leaders and media are more entertaining us than informing us of what is really going on. Then listening to the uninformed followers is even more depressing.
Yep they have priced theirself out of business
you need to look deeper …not a rise in household income now in 14 years
Well….. Burt… I feel so much better now… thx :/
More layoffs!
So much for a robust economy
About time someone else realizes this as well. Thought I was the only one who could read past Odumbo’s sugar coating
Not BHOs fault, John Deere as mentioned before simply priced themselves out of relevance. The quality is simply not there anymore