Cryin’ John Boehner was a jackass when he was in office, and it seems he continues to be one since his forced retirement. When he was chosen by his fellow Republicans to be speaker of the house, few U.S. citizens knew who he was, but it seemed that the Republican party thought he was a great pick, so most party members accepted that he was an okay guy. But as the years rolled by, it became obvious that he was a spineless toady to President Obama, in addition to being a deal making, behind-closed-doors sneak who was willing to sell out the American people to keep the establishment Republican crowd happy.
The immigration problem continued to surge, and Boehner looked the other way because it satisfied big business donors looking for cheap labor. And when huge, bankrupting budgets were proposed by Obama, Ted Cruz and a few other congressmen stood up to object but were cut down by the wimpy Boehner who promised that if the American people would elect a majority House and Senate, then they would really drop the hammer on Obama and stop his out of control programs and spending. But when the people responded with record numbers of elected Republicans, they found out that it was all a lie, and that Mitch McConnell and John Boehner had no intention of supporting the base because their financial masters did not want them to.
Boehner is once again showing his true colors that absolutely ignore the public will and represent only the Republican party elite and their big business bosses.
Boehner stabs Republican base in the back again, page 2:
So I’ve been asked several times why I chose Trump over Cruz. I like them both, but Trump was the first one to point out that you will never stop the immigration and drug problem without a wall, and not one of those look how easy it is to climb/cut through this sheet metal walls, a real wall. He is also the first one to name the Muslim immigration problem without fear. If he hadn’t those issues would have been glossed over and swept under the rug. He is also standing strong on constitutional carry for the country and corruption in the country. He has stood up to these thugs that think they can go around the country bullying everyone. He has a proven record of getting things done and thinking out of the box. Whenever everyone else is saying ” we can’t do that” he says “YES WE CAN.” He knows he will have to work with others, but if we get out and vote maintain Rep majorities, we might have a chance of getting a lot of reforms done. The alternative is another 4 yrs of what we’ve got now, so I’m willing to give him that chance.
cry baby biner looks like he is pauls biological father
Heck NO
Who gives a$#%&!@*
They both need to shut up and get on the move with Hillary, AL sharptin , Harry Reid , Whoopi and all the rest to LEAVE America. All pukes.
Go to hell you FILTH !!!
are they working in the government or are they criminals what kind of garbage is this get rid of this waste is time for trump to step in and get rid of this garbage
If Paul Ryan had been campaigning for months, travelling the US for months, earning votes from Americans for months then maybe, but WTF can he just step in after a bunch of people put their heart and soul and MILLIONS of $$$ and tons of time EARNING the PEOPLES votes??? Whomever wins this road trip we’ve been witnessing deserves to be the nominee and if the GOP establishment takes that away from the PEOPLE, I hope the people RIOT