Cryin’ John Boehner was a jackass when he was in office, and it seems he continues to be one since his forced retirement. When he was chosen by his fellow Republicans to be speaker of the house, few U.S. citizens knew who he was, but it seemed that the Republican party thought he was a great pick, so most party members accepted that he was an okay guy. But as the years rolled by, it became obvious that he was a spineless toady to President Obama, in addition to being a deal making, behind-closed-doors sneak who was willing to sell out the American people to keep the establishment Republican crowd happy.
The immigration problem continued to surge, and Boehner looked the other way because it satisfied big business donors looking for cheap labor. And when huge, bankrupting budgets were proposed by Obama, Ted Cruz and a few other congressmen stood up to object but were cut down by the wimpy Boehner who promised that if the American people would elect a majority House and Senate, then they would really drop the hammer on Obama and stop his out of control programs and spending. But when the people responded with record numbers of elected Republicans, they found out that it was all a lie, and that Mitch McConnell and John Boehner had no intention of supporting the base because their financial masters did not want them to.
Boehner is once again showing his true colors that absolutely ignore the public will and represent only the Republican party elite and their big business bosses.
Boehner stabs Republican base in the back again, page 2:
Boehner to keep his voice silenced.
Paul Ryan is another puppet keep digging for candidates to beat Trump it won’t work you idiots don’t see who the people want???? And it sure isn’t Ruan
no stinking way
How the hell can he just jump in and run! So fricken stupid! Trump!
wW ALREADY HAVE A NONMInEE , THANK YOU !! Ryan not wanted !!
No way , he’s another Romney !
george soros , bill ayers , hillary , obama , pelosi , harry reid , mitch mcconnell ,boehner , graham , paul ryan , romney , koch brothers , republican establishment , democratic establishment , liberal media , move on dot org , black lives matter , big banking , foreign leaders from mexico , china , middle east , etc….organizations promoting the north american union and new world order…there are several others that can be added to this list but what do all the individuals and organizations have in common ??? first of all , can’t everyone agree that these people and organizations have proved that they put their own agenda ahead of what is best for working americans and our country ?? they all have another thing in common .. keeping donald trump from becoming president.. even if you don’t like trump , doesn’t this tell you something ?? they know that trump can and will beat hillary…many of these same people and organizations are supporting kasich and cruz who they know can not beat hillary…. if you don’t want amnesty , refugees , gun control or social security cuts then you need to get behind trump….please wake up america and get behind trump so we can save our country…we need to all get busy explaining this to others to get them to join us in saving our country…. it is no longer a vote for who is the most conservative, the most religious, the most politically correct or the nicest acting….a vote for anyone other than trump or failing to vote is in affect a vote for the destruction of our country….. not everyone is on the internet so get out in your community and talk to people….if you would like to give the RNC your opinion on how they are handling the primary , their number is 202-863-8500…
you both need to get on a boat and get lost
Useless and more useless