With the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia triggering a heated debate over nominations to the court, clear lines have been drawn. Republicans believe the president should hold off on picking a judge to replace Scalia until the election concludes in November, so that the American people may have some say in the matter.
Democrats, however, argue that Obama should be able to pick a justice right away, with some even accusing conservatives of being racist for thinking nominations should be delayed. That’s a very interesting charge to level, especially considering Obama’s Vice President once held a similar position.
Way back in 1992, then-Senator Biden decried George H.W. Bush’s push to nominate a Supreme Court Justice before the election that year. Not only did he oppose such a move, he also argued that it was contradictory to standing practice for nominating Supreme Court justices.
See Biden express support for delaying Supreme Court nominations on the next page:
Yes, but when it is them they get mad and issue an executive order to move OUR congress to Cuba!
Here’s what your government doesn’t want you to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GwFs7mPh0Q
This senile old fool probley don’t remember what the hell he said
this is not an election year…. OBAMA is not running !!!!! big difference dimwits !!
Thanks to FOX news, I have seen it….I doubt if anyone watching ABC CBS or NBC news will see it.
biden is a joke.
i remember his statement that he could hear the gunshots erupt from Nickel Mines when the amish school house was the site of a mass shooting. Biden was at PA golf course over forty plus miles away…and heard the gun shots.
i am sure he now regrets this 😉