The Internet is full of some pretty great things. You can watch everything from adorable puppy videos to people doing some monumentally stupid things. Okay, so not everything on the Internet is great, but do you know what is? In the player on the next page, you can watch a greatest hits compilation of Joe Biden’s creepiest moments. I know what you’re thinking, “Everything Joe Biden does is creepy.” Yes, but when you put those creepy things to creepy music, you create the creepiest compilation of all time.
Yet, you’ll want to watch it over and over again.
Then again, you don’t really need a compilation video to know how creepy Joe Biden is. Just about every time he appears at a press conference and he’s in the presence of a female, he does his signature move, which involves making them uncomfortable while he holds them awkwardly and then kisses the side of their heads. And age and marital status do little to deter him.
The Biden Bear Trap, that’s what it should be called. And nobody is safe from it, including Hillary Clinton.
Watch the video on the next page.
sexual predator like bill clinton is
Joe= bozo!
She needs a case of Purell.
Come over here, Grand Pa Joe, has a story to tell you! I start by saying, “I love little boys and girls, but don’t tell your parents as they will not understand, let keep it our secret….!”
You pediphile and creepy AssClown Joe!!!!
Thats why he wants sharia law.
Yup. Real creepy
Joe is a model pervert.
Yuck! Why would they want that? Gross!