A medical examiner has revealed that the death of Joan Rivers was caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain after she received Propofol, a sedative given before treating her for acid reflux and a vocal issue.
The examiner called her death a ‘predicatable complication’ of the drug.
People on social media blame the doctors for negligence.
Conspiracy theorists state is was due to her comments that ‘ everyone knows’ Barack Obama is gay and Michele Obama is a transexual.
Send him to Liberia!
Just a little coincidence……
i think she was murdered for the comment she made about the obamas..
We susspected something right away
Let me share something with you all.Do you know how many patients I see suffering every day that should have died weeks ago,but the family members say,do everything to keep them alive. Those same family members are never seen to even visit them.Have to call them repeatedly to even speak to them.Doctors and nurses trying to explain what would be the humane thing.But no,keep them alive they say.A 94 year old on a vent who knows nothing but misery.I hate it.Joan Rivers was old as dirt.It was her time to go.At least her suffering was short.Pray for her family.Don’t talk stuff you know nothing about.
No kidding Melissa I hope you win BIG!!!
I saw that coming.
Sure sounds like another Clinton deal someone must be taking lessons.
Wow, for the first time I thought she was right on.
What are they going to do , Lock him up like Jackson’s Dr.