A medical examiner has revealed that the death of Joan Rivers was caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain after she received Propofol, a sedative given before treating her for acid reflux and a vocal issue.
The examiner called her death a ‘predicatable complication’ of the drug.
People on social media blame the doctors for negligence.
Conspiracy theorists state is was due to her comments that ‘ everyone knows’ Barack Obama is gay and Michele Obama is a transexual.
I wouldn’t doubt it
There’s a thousand ways to rationalize this . As with dozens of other suspicious unexplained deaths of Obama detractors ,this to me smells awfully lot like any one of the previous mysterious events directly associated with the so called president
i belive thats what happened to her
Medical mistakes kill more people each year than firearms.
Her anesthesiologist must have been an obama supporter!
Nothings fool proof…
anyone famous who says in public that the faggot arab muslim terrorist in the wh is married to a dick smoking drag queen gets silenced
He’s awful effeminate, she’s skunk-butt oogly!
I do believe this
Her skin was younger than she was