A medical examiner has revealed that the death of Joan Rivers was caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain after she received Propofol, a sedative given before treating her for acid reflux and a vocal issue.
The examiner called her death a ‘predicatable complication’ of the drug.
People on social media blame the doctors for negligence.
Conspiracy theorists state is was due to her comments that ‘ everyone knows’ Barack Obama is gay and Michele Obama is a transexual.
Who cares? She was a very hateful person. I think her own hatefulness finally did her in.
Don’t make Public claims about Ovomit. This is what happens
I think it’s because she supported Israel
Have another facelift, Joan!
Wouldn’t put it passed that Dick-tator
We all know he’s a DICK-LICK!
she knew the truth on obama
You don’t load contagious Ebola victims in Africa in a taxi, drive them to the airport and fly them to Atlanta. No Democrats.
Everyone knows the truth on Obama.