Liberal politicians across the globe have put their true character on display since the death of Fidel Castro. And now even some American politicians have begun to praise the communist dictator.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reaction to Fidel Castro drew the most criticism this week. He called Castro a “remarkable leader” and expressed “deep sorrow” over the death of “Cuba’s longest-serving president.” Apparently, they don’t have a word for “dictator” in Canada.
But Trudeau isn’t the only politician to heap undeserved praise on the totalitarian leader. Despite the fact that Castro was a fierce enemy of the United States, many liberal politicians in the Unites States have joined in, as well.
Barack Obama’s eulogy of Castro was ridiculed because it failed to mention Castro’s legacy as a violent dictator, but it mostly stopped short of praise. Former president Jimmy Carter, on the other hand, seemed more than willing to glorify the Castro regime.
See what he had to say about Castro’s death on the next page:
Suck my peanut
Jimmy Carter’s praises and says things that do not make sense.
F**k Jimmy Carter I hope he dies right now
Liberals love dictators, they heap praise on every dictator that dies and the worse they were the more praise that they heap on them
Carter? Peanuts
Senile – He was a tyrant to the core-
Castro was an evil dictator who killed his people…
How about his love of murder, torture and tyranny? The good news just keeps rolling in !! This is a heavenly sign for Trump’s presidency. Bye you worthless piece of commie satanic c**p. Your PoS sewage brother is next, hopefully Soros too !!! Make America Great Again !!! ………………..The only thing better than a dead commie is 10 dead commies.
Lefturds……Why don’t you get your useless little libtard asses onto Google Earth and scroll around Cuba and see what this commie aberration has done to the Cuban people for the last 50 years. He deserves to burn in hell along with anyone that would profess what a great guy he is.
Celebrating 50 years of pain, suffering, deprivation, starvation and genocide. The left is utterly delusional.
One of the best presidents with a heart for the people
Jimmy Carter worst potus until Obama