Doesn’t it just make you feel good when some pompous liberal stirs things up only to find that the whole nasty project just blows up in his or her face? It doesn’t happen as often as it should, so when we see an example, we need to take note and relish the event.
The latest instance of a leftist plan run aground has been graciously provided by Dr. Jill Stein, the non-contender for the presidency who was the Green Party’s candidate. You’ll recall, this is the lady who was just so concerned about the integrity of the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that she generously spent several million dollars of contributors’ money to fund pointless recount efforts that didn’t even get the support of officials within the DNC.
More entertainment is in store for you on page two.
She’s hiding something in her asshole
Lol gross bitch
dumb bitch
Send needed some vacation cash.
Funny how they found more votes than people in Detroit
She only did it to put the surplus of the donations in her pocket after paying for the recount.
This never was about the end result because she knew that would not change enough to give the election to Hillary. The question with all this is…. why did she require several million dollars for the recount, and then kept raising the amount needed??. She somehow managed to raise more money for the recount than for her own bid for President….. I find that rather strange.
Jill Steins recount was to raise money for the green party in 2020.
How could she be…