Donald Trump’s inauguration is less than a month away, and still Jill Stein and her followers can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that Trump was victorious. According to her, the machines have been tampered with, especially in low income black communities. And with one recount already in motion and the numbers not looking good for Jill Stein’s conspiracy theory, one can’t help but to ask what her motivation is. After all, whipping a dead horse isn’t going to make it stand again.
One of Stein’s recounts already showed that Trump had a lot more votes than originally counted in that district. Stein actually pocketed some of the millions she raised for these recount efforts. Her motivation has suddenly become painstakingly clear. Like all liberal causes, there’s a great deal of money to be made off the fear of Americans. Because, clearly, even a blind man can see that Trump is going to be president no matter what.
Now, seemingly desperate, Stein is urging the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into America’s voting system.
Find out what she said on the next page.
You are a fuckin moron he won nothing’s gonna change that moron
Would someone please lock this stupid$#%&!@*up and throw away the key?
she needs to be investigated to make sure monies are in an acct not in hers to help with the next election
Jill Stein needs serious psychiatric treatment. The only political experience she has is serving on the board of the Town of Lexington MA. She appears to suffer from a narcissistic personally with delusions of grandeur. She needs to be admitted to McLean Hospital.
What is the reason they want to keep this nonsense going? They will not change anything except perhaps she is getting rich from all the money paid to her for acting like the baffoon she is.
She needs a lethal dose of sleeping pills
You’ve already lined your pockets with taxpayers money, give it a rest! The black voters voted for trump because he went and rallied for them, unlike your precious Hillary who could care less about the poor people black or white but Trump showed them he carried and wanted to help them, OBAMA did nothing for them in 8 years and with Hillary it would be the same! Heck the Amish even voted this year and voted for Trump! So donate that Money you collected to the homeless veterans and get off your high horse and accept the fact that Donald Trump is our 45th President of the USA!
Someone lock this woman up somewhere, anywhere. Shes a danger to herself and other stupid libtards.
Go away loser!
Who paying this c**t?