Donald Trump’s inauguration is less than a month away, and still Jill Stein and her followers can’t seem to come to terms with the fact that Trump was victorious. According to her, the machines have been tampered with, especially in low income black communities. And with one recount already in motion and the numbers not looking good for Jill Stein’s conspiracy theory, one can’t help but to ask what her motivation is. After all, whipping a dead horse isn’t going to make it stand again.
One of Stein’s recounts already showed that Trump had a lot more votes than originally counted in that district. Stein actually pocketed some of the millions she raised for these recount efforts. Her motivation has suddenly become painstakingly clear. Like all liberal causes, there’s a great deal of money to be made off the fear of Americans. Because, clearly, even a blind man can see that Trump is going to be president no matter what.
Now, seemingly desperate, Stein is urging the Department of Justice to launch an investigation into America’s voting system.
Find out what she said on the next page.
Keep on trying.
Haha how much money you guys going to give her haha
get over it$#%&!@*Trump won give it a break .
What a nut case!
You should work on gettimg rid of that mans haircut.
Shut up Hagatha
Specific people are giving her unlimited funds to continue to be the hemorrhoid of the election. So when we can get enough cash together to hire the mercenary to off George Soros the world will instantly become a better place.
Total idiot, she should work for Polosi! Both out there!
You could have never won yourself. If you.had a major percentage and you were after a recount because you had proof of foul play then you should be able to call for a recount if you pay for it.
Since you didn’t have enough votes to matter you should never be allowed to call for a recount because it would not be of any benefit to YOU.
We all know that you are doing it because you want to change things in Hillary’s favor and to throw a wrench into the works to slow down Trump’s innaguration.
Liberals need to be tested for mental function and put.into an asylum when proven they are brain damaged.