France has tight gun laws, and as of 2012 the French government was enacting legislation to tighten up on illegal gun ownership. The French ban most guns. So how did the terrorists in the Paris attacks obtain and house an arsenal?
This incident will again bring the gun debate full force. ISIS is becoming more organized, yet certain facts about ISIS still remain the same. ISIS is not an army with tanks and an air force. ISIS moves in the shadows in Western Europe, and when they strike it is with suicide bombers and AK-47s.
The debate of having citizens legally armed cannot be ignored after these Paris attacks. And it should be noted that a message straight from the attackers was directed at the US.
“But the American blood is best, and we will taste it soon”.
more on terrorists obtaining guns next page
Don’t be a victim. Be armed, be trained, be observant, be ready. The liberals don’t care and the Obama administration will not help.
deport all illegals and muslims and take the muslim obummer with you
that why there there. gun free zone. they wont come to america as long as we have armed citizens
The violated the gun free city..
I remember when terrorist got everything from Regan and the CIA. Same team guys.
I’m sorry but the government needs to use their heads and take care of the situation before it get worse …the borders in ALL Countries need to be closed and all you idiots who think otherwise need your heads examined.
This proves, That when guns are outlawed, then only outlaws have guns !!!!
last night I was asked into the Hillary room after posting this is what gun control will get you I was race baited and called every foolish name there is by those haters they through out facts that were so far off I laughed at them
OBAMA n he’s.buddies were gun runners when he was younger. He KNOWS how it WORKS. He GETS BIG BIG MONEY for DOING THIS