California Governor, Jerry Brown signed a legislation this weekend that not only gave activists something to cheer for, but made the job of being a police officer a lot more difficult. The legislation will require law enforcement to collect data on the race of the people they encounter, as a way to fight bias.
It’ll require agencies to include information on the race of the person stopped, the reason for the stop and whether the stop resulted in a citation or arrest. This kind of sound likes racial profiling, the very thing this legislation is supposed to be stopping.
Hear what cops have to say about it on the next page.
I hope this man is voted out of office. He and his Democrat buddies have ruined our state.
people need to vote fortrump like they did obama illlegals can not vote till theybecoe citizens of ameircan and htat takes form three to four years
Here’s a crack head
Gov. Moonbeam
Brown is trying to replay his success of 50 years ago. Needs to retire.
Totally unconscionable!!!
This man, is a fking IDIOT
Does this mean Officers can ask if people are in the country legally and where they are from ???? But I’m sure with this typically stupid liberal law the officers are supposed to guess !!!!!!! So as not to offend anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
moonbeam is off his meds again
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