Ever since climate change became an issue in the political arena, the government has been doing everything it can to stem the alleged release of gasses into the atmosphere. Thus, all of the green movements that have become popular or forced amongst populations in states like California. For years now, Conservative journalists and politicians alike have been making jokes about how soon state governments and possibly the federal government would be seeking to control sources of methane gasses like the kind released when cows far. Well, today that possibility has become a reality.
Read the science behind this absurdity on the next page.
How about we regulate the amount of Carbon Dioxide he belches into the atmosphere?
Good luck with that…
Gonna be a busy IDIOT, running around trying to get all those frats in a bag, then what.
Let the poor cows fart in peace. Put a plug in Browns$#%&!@*so he can’t fart and explode.
Welcome to CA. This message bought to you by your local old California cow fart association. Located in the State Capital building, downtown Sacramento CA. I’m Jerry Brown and I approve this message.
What an idiot! More hot air coming out of his mouth than all the cows combined. What’s this fool going to do put corks in them?
Jerry Brown should concentrate on keeping his state afloat, on preparing it for earthquakes and not depending on the federal government and other states to support it.
Don’t we have enough problems in this country? We don’t need someone standing behind a cow with a clip board counting cow farts.