Ever since climate change became an issue in the political arena, the government has been doing everything it can to stem the alleged release of gasses into the atmosphere. Thus, all of the green movements that have become popular or forced amongst populations in states like California. For years now, Conservative journalists and politicians alike have been making jokes about how soon state governments and possibly the federal government would be seeking to control sources of methane gasses like the kind released when cows far. Well, today that possibility has become a reality.
Read the science behind this absurdity on the next page.
Jerry brown is not only a nut but he should bottle it for personal use!!
what a fool
Good place for his head……..
stupidass democrate
OMG! Is he serious!? Maybe he should worry about regulating his own Emissions! He really sounds stupid!
He’s a moron
He can reduce his carbon emissions by diving off a really tall building into a fresh poured slab of 8ft thick concrete
Democrats don’t like competition !!!
Sure it’s not mexican stink?