Jerry Brown Seeks to Regulate Cow Farts

Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation this week that will regulate emissions from dairy cows and landfills, which will supposedly help fight climate change beyond carbon-based greenhouse gasses. Yes, you read that correctly, the state government wants to control cow farts. How they’re going to do this is the question on everybody’s mind. Some sort of anal sock for cows, possibly? Or a balloon will will inflate whenever a cow breaks wind. Or maybe they’ll just try to teach cows that it’s rude to fart in the presence of other cows, thus creating farms full of insecure dairy providers.

This is a first for California. The legislation is supposed to target a category of gasses known as “short-lived” climate pollutants, which “experts” believe have a large effect on global warming, despite how temporary they are.

Environmentalists hope that tackling short-lived pollutants such as methane now would buy time to develop new and more affordable technology to reduce carbon emissions.

The legislation lays out steep reductions in a variety of pollutants, including methane. It’s tied to $90 million in funding for the dairy industry and garbage collectors.

This is how it starts. Next, democrats will be trying to regulate human farts, fining anybody who passes gas in public or crop dusts the aisles at the grocery store. This is no laughing matter. These regulations stink, and these politicians are full of hot air!

Meanwhile, farms and agricultural businesses will be paying some hefty taxes for whatever systems get put in place to stem these cow farts.




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