Deviating from the cautious course being pursued by at least 27 state governors, California Governor Jerry Brown vowed to work closely with President Obama in resettling Syrian refugees entering the United States, reassuring Californians that the incoming asylum-seekers would be “fully vetted in a sophisticated and utterly reliable way.” This means that many of the 10,000 Syrians the Obama administration is planning to bring into the country within the next year may be settled throughout the Sunshine State.
Brown’s promise to cooperate with the Obama administration is interesting considering his past positions and remarks on a similar issue. During the 1970’s, when thousands of Vietnamese fled the communists taking over their country, Brown, then an up-and-coming liberal politician, expressed little sympathy towards them, reportedly stating that the federal government was going to “dump Vietnamese” onto the people of California.
An interesting choice of words on his part. One wonders how he and other liberals would react if someone said he was going to “dump Syrians” on California.
See how others reacted to Brown’s announcement on the next page:
Bankrupt state from the burden of illegal criminal aliens . Now this fool wants to bring in professional welfare cheats and terrorists !! Glad I don’t live in CA……
yea shoot them
HOW BANKRUPT is his little “utopia”????Let them eat cake….right Governor Moonbeam??
yes..let Californication keep them all, lets see how well it works out
Let the battles begin
He’s as big a dope as O’Bummer !!
linda ronstat gave him brain stw back in the 70s
Let Isis thugs and our gangs go to war with eachother lovely
Californians need to rise up and rebel against us. Jerry Brown is crazy. The state is not in good financial shape.
Fortunately he’s too old to run again. Not all Californians are crazy but we are a minority.