Deviating from the cautious course being pursued by at least 27 state governors, California Governor Jerry Brown vowed to work closely with President Obama in resettling Syrian refugees entering the United States, reassuring Californians that the incoming asylum-seekers would be “fully vetted in a sophisticated and utterly reliable way.” This means that many of the 10,000 Syrians the Obama administration is planning to bring into the country within the next year may be settled throughout the Sunshine State.
Brown’s promise to cooperate with the Obama administration is interesting considering his past positions and remarks on a similar issue. During the 1970’s, when thousands of Vietnamese fled the communists taking over their country, Brown, then an up-and-coming liberal politician, expressed little sympathy towards them, reportedly stating that the federal government was going to “dump Vietnamese” onto the people of California.
An interesting choice of words on his part. One wonders how he and other liberals would react if someone said he was going to “dump Syrians” on California.
See how others reacted to Brown’s announcement on the next page:
Hussein’s minion
The get what they deserve in doing so.
Governor Moonbeam
Jerry Brown is a complete moron.
I was born there and will never go back.
This is all such a farce that it’s pathetic. I love when the Democrats work on people’s sympathies, trying to make them feel guilty for not doing their bidding – and sadly, people fall for that and have for years. From all reliable reports there is no way to vet these supposed refugees. The U.S., does not have access to any information in Syria and other means of checking is not freely available to them. Those who say they are vetted are outright lying. And the lie in this article about 750,000 being brought in and not arrests for terrorism or anything else is truly pathetic – nearly all the prisoners obama and Holder released from around the country the last couple of years were illegal aliens and refugees….
Let all the refugees populate Hollywood. Enjoy liberals!
this clown is just like obama.
crazy isn’t it?
Mr moon beam is as lib as they get