California Governor Jerry Brown decided to ring in the 4th of July weekend by signing into law radical legislation that tramples even further on Californian’s Second Amendment rights.
Concluding that the state’s myriad restrictions on gun ownership and usage were not enough, Brown has thrown his support behind a law requiring citizens to either destroy or surrender large capacity gun magazines to authorities. Set to go into effect on July 1st of next year, the legislation gives gun owners four options as to how they will handle any high-capacity magazines they have: remove the offending item from the state, sell them to licensed firearms dealers before the ban goes into effect, destroy them, or turn them over to law enforcement.
On top of all this, the governor signed additional bills forcing Californians to go through background checks when purchasing ammunition, prohibiting the sale of semiautomatic rifles with bullet buttons, and barring gun owners from lending their weapons to family members.
Read more about Gov. Brown’s ridiculous new gun control laws on the next page:
you can see idiot all over this him out people.
This is how stupid they are. Watch for sales of magazines (whatever size he wants) to spike. If one practices efficiently, magazine change becomes second nature and takes less that three seconds.
Hey Brown, what’s your plan to disarm criminals that already possess guns and plenty of ammo? I have a better idea. We need a national liberal registry, coupled with responsible record keeping by our mental health organizations, which will make it much easier to identify the next nutcase murderer. The liberal segment of society is filled with mentally unstable, morally bankrupt, easily manipulated and sociopathic individuals that need to be watched carefully. By sidestepping the real issue, the liberal media is, in effect, inciting terrorism, and should be subject to criminal prosecution.
Stupid like a fox.
Time for a Total Recall!
But not for him ! He can still legally own 50 Rd magazines, but regular citizens can’t !
Damn, California is sure full of fools and mental retards.
How you planning to disarm the criminals you liberal asshat???
F#CK YOU Turn Coat$#%&!@*Zionist Trash….!!!!