California Governor Jerry Brown decided to ring in the 4th of July weekend by signing into law radical legislation that tramples even further on Californian’s Second Amendment rights.
Concluding that the state’s myriad restrictions on gun ownership and usage were not enough, Brown has thrown his support behind a law requiring citizens to either destroy or surrender large capacity gun magazines to authorities. Set to go into effect on July 1st of next year, the legislation gives gun owners four options as to how they will handle any high-capacity magazines they have: remove the offending item from the state, sell them to licensed firearms dealers before the ban goes into effect, destroy them, or turn them over to law enforcement.
On top of all this, the governor signed additional bills forcing Californians to go through background checks when purchasing ammunition, prohibiting the sale of semiautomatic rifles with bullet buttons, and barring gun owners from lending their weapons to family members.
Read more about Gov. Brown’s ridiculous new gun control laws on the next page:
is he really that stupid to think that he can change the second admendment
Tell that to the crooks Moonbeam! They don’t give a hoot what you passed.
Brain dead alot of it going around. Disarm your body guards then stupid
They ban these guns and and so-called high-capacity magazines from the public but of course they passed a bill to opt them out of the same laws kind of like Obama care
This$#%&!@*(and many more assholes) is the reason there needs to be term limits in Washington, it’s not just the president that needs to have a term limit
Brown needs taken out .
Now get them away from the criminals you harbor. LMAO
How can a war be won if one side doesn’t have the power to fight back? And if they don’t see it is a was, they are completely blind
thats for you to under stand.