Actors Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth feel so much dislike for Donald Trump they felt it necessary to share their opinions with the public. In case you have never heard these names, Jennifer Lawrence was named Hollywood’s highest paid female actor in 2014 and Liam Hemsworth is the lesser known of the Hemsworth brothers. His more famous sibling can be seen playing the Thor Marvel’s Avengers.
The two actors expressed their opinions during promotion of the final installment The Hunger Games movie franchise.
See the next page to read more about what they said.×365.jpg
Dumb blonde
That is reverse psychology. You are a zombie for the same cause most of tinseltown has chosen – Illuminati – reeks in your “world”. It is a terrible, but I don’t even know who you are…..I am sure you have a following of teens who idolize you though. No, “there will be no end of the world”………but, there will be an end to the world – “AS WE KNOW IT”……..and yes, Hill will create that. Keep your drama in tinseltown will all the rest of the “drag-queens”. Capiche? FB cut it out……this is so predictable. Geez. Boring too.
What an idiot !!
You can leave with Kanye West…
She is so dumb…..if Hillary wins we will never see America as we know it again.
Oh you poor pathetic ignorant child. It will only be the end of your ridiculous wealthy world
Yeah uh huh.. you mean YOUR WORLD Jennifer.
Nut job!! Hillary gets in, she is opening the door to every terrorist the middle east has, every$#%&!@*mexico is sick of taking care of will be dumped on our doorstep. Iran will have nuclear capability in months also.
No,if Hillary wins it will be the end.